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MARS ANALOG RESEARCH, Volume 111 | [detailed content of vol. 111] |
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MARTIAN EXPEDITION PLANNING, Volume 107 | [detailed content of vol. 107] |
This volume brings together perspectives of Earth and Mars explorers to consider the surface of Mars from the explorer’s viewpoint. A starting assumption is made that there is already a base on Mars that can support expeditions. Then, the authors describe how they would plan expeditions across Mars, including environmental, psychological and scientific factors that would influence these expeditions. This book, as well as presenting new ideas on the planning of expeditions on Mars, can also be regarded as a field guide for future Martian expeditioners. It provides some of the foundation knowledge for planning expeditions to the Martian volcanoes, poles, deserts and caves. The papers in this book are based on a symposium of the British Interplanetary Society held Feb. 24, 2003, London, England, plus numerous invited papers.
volume is divided into eight sections: Section 1: weather for
Martian expeditions; Section 2: science on Martian expedition; Section
3: expedition challenges on Mars; Section 4: planning tools for
expeditions; Section 5: expedition mobility; Section 6: expedition
environmental impact; Section 7: expedition human factors; Section 8:
expedition medicine. Numerical, author and key word index included.
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THE CASE FOR MARS VI: Volume 98 Making Mars an Affordable Destination |
[detailed content
of volume 98]
This volume provides a blueprint for manned missions to Mars and a continued presence on the planet’s surface, including what technology is required, and what kinds of precursor missions and experiments are required for this undertaking. Papers which do not appear in full are published as abstracts. These proceedings are based on updated papers which were originally presented at the 6th Case for Mars conference, held July 17-20, 1996, Boulder, CO.
The volume is divided into six sections:THE CASE FOR MARS V, Volume 97 |
[detailed content
of volume 97]
This volume provides a blueprint for manned missions to Mars and a continued presence on the planet’s surface, including what technology is required, and what kinds of precursor missions and experiments are required for this undertaking. Papers which do not appear in full are published as abstracts. These proceedings are based on updated papers which were originally presented at the 5th Case for Mars conference, held May 26-29, 1993, Boulder, CO.
The volume is divided into six sections:[back to top]
Not Available - EXPLORATION OF MARS, Volume 15 |
[detailed content
of volume 15]
Mars Exploration Studies of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Volumes 91 & 92 |
Volume 91 (Part I): Section I contains 11 articles on precursor missions, including concepts for in situ resource utilization on Mars, sample return missions, in situ propellant production, water vapor adsorption reactor, diborane/CO2 rockets for use in Mars ascent vehicles, pH measurements of the Martian surface, Mars subsurface radar mapper, utilization of Martian atmospheric constituents by temperature swing adsorption, and Athena: a possible first step in a program of human Mars exploration. Section II contains 11 articles on early piloted missions, including human aspects, a day in the life at a Mars base, an Antarctic research outpost as a model for planetary exploration, Mars Direct, exploration strategies and the astronaut’s toolset, heat transfer for an internal combustion engine on Mars, space suits and life support systems for Mars Exploration, practical methods for near-term human exploration of Mars, future habitability of Mars, and footsteps to Mars: an incremental approach to Mars exploration. [detailed content]
Volume 92 (Part II): Section I contains 11 articles on base building, including resources for human settlement, use of regolith resources on Mars, rocket propellants from Martian resources, wind energy resources, Martian resources in a CELSS, Mars Habitation 2057, long range mobility on Mars, design considerations for a Mars solar energy system, polar exploration of Mars, an interplanetary transportation system for delivering large groups of people to Mars, and utility of geothermal power on Mars. Section II contains 8 articles on colonization and terraforming, including economic aspects of Mars colonization, terraforming by use of explosive force, biological aspects of the ecopoeisis and terraformation of Mars, genetic modification and selection of microorganisms for growth on Mars, conceptual solutions to the problem of plant growth in low concentrations of oxygen, environmental ethics and planetary engineering, technological requirements for terraforming Mars and ozone and planetary habitability. [detailed conten]
The International Exploration of Mars, Volumes 89 & 90 |
These volumes provide a blueprint for manned missions to Mars and a continued presence on the planet’s surface, including what technology is required, and what kinds of precursor missions and experiments are required for this undertaking. Papers which do not appear in full are published as abstracts. These proceedings are based on updated papers which were originally presented at the fourth Case for Mars conference, “The International Exploration of Mars,” held June 4-8, 1990 in Boulder, Colorado.
Volume 89(Mission Strategy and Architectures) is divided into three sections: Part I, making the international case for Mars, includes chapters on space policy and international cooperation/international science objectives; Part II, mission strategy, includes chapters on philosophy, planning, architectures, infrastructure and engineering; Part III, technical considerations for getting to Mars, includes chapters on robotic and precursor missions, transportation systems and spacecraft, and advanced propulsion. Numerical and author index included for both volumes. [detailed content]
Volume 90 (Considerations for Sending Humans) is divided into three sections: Part I, considerations for sending humans, includes chapters on communications and robotic versus human presence and radiation; Part II, living on Mars, includes chapters on in situ resource utilization, habitability and life support, and Mars base and infrastructure; Part III, social perspectives, discusses Mars habitability and analogs. Numerical and author index included for both volumes. [detailed content]
of volume 86
This volume consists of 26 chapters, each prepared by a qualified individual(s) on a topic of his/her expertise. Anyone wanting a concise review of an all-around Mars exploration strategy will find this book of interest. Included are six chapters on making the case for Mars, six chapters on getting to Mars: interplanetary transportation issues, four chapters on living in space: the human element, five chapters on living and working on Mars, two chapters on science on Mars and two chapters on costs and benefits of Mars exploration. Numerical and author index included.
THE CASE FOR MARS I, Volume 57 |
of volume 57
of volume 62
Volume 62, based on material derived from the second Case for Mars conference held July 10-14, 1984 in Boulder, Colorado contains sections on national and international aspects, precursor missions, science, Earth-Mars delivery systems, Mars surface technology, utilizing Martian resources, and human factors.
THE CASE FOR MARS III, Strategies for Exploration, Volumes 74 & 75 |
These volumes provide a blueprint for manned missions to Mars and a continued presence on the planet’s surface, including what technology is required, and what kinds of precursor missions and experiments are required for this undertaking.
Volumes 74 & 75 are based
derived from the third Case for Mars conference, “Strategies for
held July 18-22, 1987 in Boulder, Colorado. Volume
74 includes
interest and overview papers on (1) making the political case for Mars,
(2) considerations for sending humans to Mars, (3) technical
for getting to Mars, and (4) living on Mars. Volume
75 consists
of technical papers on (1) political and social issues, (2) issues for
sending humans to Mars, (3) technical issues for getting to Mars, (4)
on Mars, and (5) workshop summaries.
of volume 71
Extensively updated since the conference. Covers;
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CONTENTS Volume 91, AAS Science and Technology Series, Part I: Precursors and Early Piloted Missions
CONTENTS Volume 92, AAS Science and Technology Series, Part II: Base Building, Colonization and Terraformation
NDEX 357
CONTENTS Volume 89, AAS Science and Technology Series, Mission Strategy and Architectures
Chapter 1. Space Policy 3
Chapter 3. Philosophy 121
Chapter 6. Robotic and Precursor Missions 361
CONTENTS Volume 90, AAS Science and Technology Series, Considerations for Sending Humans
Chapter 1. Communications 1
Chapter 4. In Situ Resource Utilization 147
Chapter 7. Mars Habitability and Analogs 379
CONTENTS Volume 86, AAS Science and Technology Series
CONTENTS Volume 75, AAS Science and Technology Series - Technical
Chapter 1: Social Perspectives 1
Chapter 7: Precursor Missions 225
Chapter 9: Mission Strategy 283
Chapter 10: Transportation Systems and Space Logistics 347
Chapter 12: Mars Resource Utilization 453
Chapter 13: Mars Base 517
Publications of the American Astronautical Society 612 Science and Technology Series (1964- ) 613 INDEX Numerical Index 619 Author Index 626 |
CONTENTS Volume 74, AAS Science and Technology Series - General Interest and Overview Page FOREWORD, Carol R. Stoker vii INTRODUCTION
CONTENTS Volume 62, AAS Science and Technology Series
Volume 57, AAS Science and Technology Series
CONTENTS Volume 71, AAS Science and Technology Series
CONTENTS Volume 15, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences) Temporarily Not Available INTRODUCTION
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