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(Volume 112, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences,
Spaceflight Mechanics 2002





Part I


Attitude Determination for KOMPSAT-2 Using Star Identification Technique (AAS 02-100), Gwanghyoek Ju and Sang Kee Lee    3

Attitude Determination and Autonomous On-Orbit Calibration of Star Tracker for the GIFTS Mission (AAS 02-101) , Puneet Singla, D. Todd Griffith, John L. Crassidis and John L. Junkins    19

Autonomous On-Orbit Calibration Approaches for Star Tracker Cameras (AAS 02-102), D. Todd Griffith, Puneet Singla and John L. Junkins    39

Predictive Centroiding for Single and Multiple FOVs Star Trackers (AAS 02-103), Malak A. Samaan, Daniele Mortari, Thomas C. Pollock and John L. Junkins    59

Rate Estimator for Windowed Quaternion Estimator (AAS 02-105), Injung Kim, Jinho Kim and Youdan Kim    73

Development of Inertial Measurement Sensor Using Magnetic Levitation (AAS 02-106), Kyeum R. Cho, Peter M. Bainum, Young D. Kim and Zhaozhi Tan    85


Stability Bounds for Three-Dimensional Motion Close to Asteroids (AAS 02-108), Martín Lara and Daniel J. Scheeres     105

The Generalized Sundman Transformation for Propagation of High-Eccentricity Elliptical Orbits (AAS 02-109), Matthew Berry and Liam Healy     127

Almost Periodic Orbits Around the Geostationary Points (AAS 02-110), Fernando Blesa, Antonio Elipe and Martín Lara    147

Analytical Formulation of Fast Flyby Trajectories Around a Triaxial Body (AAS 02-111), Stefano Casotto and Massimo Bardella    159

Variations, Potentials, and Numerical Integration (AAS 02-112), David G. Hull    177

Orbit Transfers to Lower Altitude Orbits Using Aerobraking (AAS 02-113), Byoungsam Woo and Victoria L. Coverstone    187


Introducing the ESA-MASTER 2001 Space Debris Model (AAS 02-114), H. Krag, J. Bendisch, K. D. Bunte, H. Klinkrad, C. Martin, H. Sdunnus, R. Walker, P. Wegener and C. Wiedemann    199

Close Geostationary Satellite Encounter Analysis: 1997-2001 (AAS 02-115), R. I. Abbot, R. Clouser, E. W. Evans, J. Sharma, R. Sridharan and L. E. Thornton    219

Analytic Solution for COLA Maneuver Optimization for Near-Circular Orbits (AAS 02-116), Glenn E. Peterson    239

Satellite Collision Analysis Using Genetic Algroithms as a Filter (AAS 02-117), Anthony L. Faulds and David B. Spencer    251

The Effect of the Periodic Covariance Variations on the Probability of Collision (AAS 02-118), K. T. Alfriend, J-H. Yang and J. H. Frisbee    269

Close Encounters With Multiple Satellites (AAS 02-120), Ken Chan     281


Design of the Reaction Wheel Attitude Control System for the Cassini Spacecraft (AAS 02-121), Glenn A. Macala    303

Use of Guidance and Control Test Cases to Verify Spacecraft Attitude Control System Design (AAS 02-122), Larry Chang, Jay M. Brown, Kevin J. Barltrop and Allan Y. Lee    317

Attitude Control of Earth-Pointing Spacecraft Using the Reaction Jets and Magnetic Torquers (AAS 02-123), Furun Wang, Byron D. Tapley and Yanqing Liu    339

Global Adaptive Stabilization Using Output Feedback for Spacecraft Attitude Tracking (AAS 02-124), Hideaki Miwa and Maruthi R. Akella    345

ICESAT/GLAS Laser Pointing Determination (AAS 02-126), Sungkoo Bae, Bob E. Schutz and J. Marcos Sirota    359


Progress Report on U.S. Space Command Astrodynamic Standards Effort (AAS 02-128), Michael J. Gabor    373

The Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (AAS 02-129), A. C. Nicholas, S. E. Thonnard and G. C. Gilbreath    387

Recent Developments of the Raven Small Telescope Program (AAS 02-131), Chris Sabol, K. Kim Luu, Paul Kervin, Daron Nishimoto, Kris Hamada and Paul Sydney    397

Astrodynamics Research With the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site (AAS 02-132), Chris Sabol, K. Kim Luu and Paul Kervin    417

Satellite Ephemeris Representation Using Hybrid Compression (AAS 02-133), Felix R. Hoots and Alan Segerman    429

Precise Onboard Ephemeris Propagation Method Using CW Frame and Multiple Compressions (AAS 02-134), Deok-Jin Lee, Tae Soo No, Jung-Bu Baek, Sang-Ryul Lee, Hak-Jung Kim and Kyle T. Alfriend    441

A Preliminary Analysis of the SAC-C Orbit Reconstruction Using the Experimental GPS/GLONASS Receiver Lagrange™ (AAS 02-226), Stefano Casotto, Alberto Zin, Frederic Pelletier, Boris Padovan, Emilio Banfi, Stefano Monti and Livio Marradi    457


A Low-Cost and Low-Technology Mission and System Design Concept for Mars Entry, Descent and Landing (AAS 02-135), Manuel I. Cruz, Maria I. Cruz and Clyde Chadwick    477

Celestial Navigation on the Surface of Mars (AAS 02-136), Benjamin P. Malay and Richard Fahey    487

Optical Navigation for the Mars Premier 2007 Orbiter Approach Phase (AAS 02-137), Stéphanie Delavault and Jacques Foliard    513

The Effect of USO Stability on One-Way Doppler Navigation of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (AAS 02-138), Dolan E. Highsmith    529

Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer Around Minor Planets (AAS 02-139), Jon A. Sims, Gregory J. Whiffen, Paul A. Finlayson and Anastassios E. Petropoulos    541

A Gravity Model for Navigation Close to Asteroids and Comets (AAS 02-140), Connie J. Weeks and James K. Miller    553

Navigation of Aerial Platforms on Titan (AAS 02-141), Ralph D. Lorenz    563


The Characterization of Formation Flying Satellite Relative Motion Orbits (AAS 02-143), K. T. Alfriend, D.-W. Gim and S. R. Vadali    577

A Solution of the Elliptic Rendezvous Problem With the Time as Independent Variable (AAS 02-144), Roger A. Broucke    585

A Third-Order Analytical Solution for Relative Motion With a Circular Reference Orbit (AAS 02-147), David L. Richardson and Jason W. Mitchell    605


Orbit Design and Station Keeping Strategy of the Co-Located Geostationary Satellites (AAS 02-149), Furun Wang, Byron D. Tapley and Yanqing Liu    617

An Algorithm for Autonomous Longitude and Eccentricity Control for Geostationary Spacecraft (AAS 02-150), Brian P. Emma and Henry J. Pernicka    627

Autonomous Landing Manoeuvre by Landmark Tracking Technique (AAS 02-152), Massimiliano Vasile, Andrea Davighi, Giandomenico Staffiere and Michelle Lavagna    647

An Efficient Searching Strategy Based on the Capabilities of a Single Ground Station (AAS 02-153), M. Parisse, F. Curti and F. Longo    661

Optimal Transfer Between Circular and Hyperbolic Orbits Using Analytical Maximum Thrust Arcs (AAS 02-155), Dilmurat M. Azimov and Robert H. Bishop    671


Cassini Orbit Reconstruction From Earth to Jupiter (AAS 02-156), D. C. Roth, M. D. Guman and R. Ionasescu    693

Pioneer and Voyager Jupiter Encounter Orbit Reconstruction in the ICRF System (AAS 02-157), Robert A. Jacobson    705

Ballistic Jupiter Gravity-Assist, Perihelion-DV Trajectories for a Realistic Interstellar Explorer (AAS 02-158), James V. McAdams and Ralph J. McNutt, Jr.    725

Precise Determination of Accelerometer Proof Mass (AAS 02-159), Furun Wang, Byron D. Tapley and Srinivas V. Bettadpur    739

Earth-Capture Trajectories Using Solar Electric Propulsion (AAS 02-161), C. A. Kluever and Y. Gao    753

Hyperbolic Rendezvous for Earth-Mars Cycler Missions (AAS 02-162), Paul A. Penzo and Kerry T. Nock    763

Part II


Using Inertial Measurements for the Reconstruction of 6-DOF Entry, Descent, and Landing Trajectory and Attitude Profiles (AAS 02-164), Geoffrey G. Wawrzyniak and Michael E. Lisano    775

Effect of Coriolis Terms in Thrust Equations for Misaligned Strap-on Solid Rocket Motors (AAS 02-165), Andre P. Mazzoleni and Walton E. Williamson    795

Analysis of Variable Speed Control Moment Gyroscopes for Reorientation Maneuvers of Rigid Spacecraft (AAS 02-168), Giulio Avanzini and Guido de Matteis    815

Equilibria of an n-Link Chain in a Circular Orbit (AAS 02-169), Anna D. Guerman    833


Design of Earth Return Orbits for the Wind Mission (AAS 02-170), Heather Franz    845

The Orbital Perturbation Environment for the COBRA and COBRA Teardrop Elliptical Constellations (AAS 02-173), Paul J. Cefola, John E. Draim, Richard Inciardi, Ronald J. Proulx and David W. Carter    867

The Probability of a Laser Beam Illuminating a Space Object (AAS 02-174), Russell P. Patera    887

Assessing the Instantaneous Risk of Direct Satellite Impingement (AAS 02-175), Salvatore Alfano    903

Orbit and Attitude Maneuvers Using Single Offset Axial Thruster (AAS 02-176), Sergei Tanygin    913


Equilibrium Conditions of a Class I Tensegrity Structure (AAS 02-177), Robert E. Skelton, Darrell Williamson and JeongHeon Han    927

Decentralized Control of Stable-Element Tensegrity Plates (AAS 02-179), Milenko Masic and Robert E. Skelton    951

Equilibria and Stiffness of Planar Tensegrity Structures (AAS 02-180), Wai Leung Chan and Robert E. Skelton    963


Formation Flying:  Accommodating Non-Linearity and Eccentricity Perturbations (AAS 02-184), Sesha S. Vaddi, Srinivas R. Vadali and Kyle T. Alfriend    985

Long-Duration Analysis of the J2-Model Equations of Relative Motion for Satellite Clusters (AAS 02-185), Aaron J. Swank, Craig A. McLaughlin, Chris Sabol and Richard D. Burns    1005

The State Transition Matrix for Relative Motion of Formation Flying Satellites (AAS 02-186), Dong-Woo Gim and Kyle T. Alfriend    1021

A Study of the Steering Law of Satellite Formation Flight Using Solar Radiation Pressure (AAS 02-187), Zhong-Sheng Wang and Trevor Williams    1043

Application of Several Control Techniques for the Ionospheric Observation Nanosatellite Formation (AAS 02-188), Bo J. Naasz, Christpher D. Karlgaard and Christopher D. Hall    1063

The Dynamics of Formation Flight About a Stable Trajectory (AAS 02-189), F. Y. Hsiao and D. J. Scheeres    1081


Using Fractional Gaussian Noise Models in Orbit Determination (AAS 02-191), Winston C. Chow and Paul W. Schumacher, Jr.    1101

Optimal Orbit Determination (AAS 02-192), James R. Wright     1123

Application of Genetic Algorithms to Orbit Determination of Tethered Satellite Systems (AAS 02-193), T. A. Lovell and J. E. Cochran, Jr.    1135

Comparison of the Russian and US Algorithms for Catalog Maintenance for Geosynchronous Satellites (AAS 02-194), Kyle T. Alfriend, Sokwon Paik, Vladimir F. Boikov, Zakhary N. Khutorovsky and A. Testov    1157

More Results of Naval Space Surveillance System Calibration Using Satellite Laser Ranging (AAS 02-196), John H. Seago, Mark A. Davis, Walter R. Smith IV, Jacques Fein, Bryan C. Brown, Jay W. Middour, Mark T. Soyka and Edward D. Lydick    1177

Validation Results of an Algorithm for Real-Time Atmosphere Dentisty Correction and Prediction (AAS 02-197), Sarah E. Bergstrom, Ronald J. Proulx, Paul J. Cefola, Andrey I. Nazarenko and Vasiliy S. Yurasov    1197


Dynamics of Tethered Satellite Formations (AAS 02-198), Trevor Williams and Kenneth Moore    1219

Effect of Distributed Rod and String Flexibility on Formation Dynamic Stability (AAS 02-199), Marco B. Quadrelli    1237

Dynamic Stability of a Bare Tether as a Deorbiting Device (AAS 02-200), J. Peláez, O. López-Rebollal, M. Lara and E. Ahedo    1257

Orbital Maneuvering With Electrodynamic Tethers (AAS 02-201), Steven G. Tragesser and Hakan San    1275

Overview of the Tag (Tethered Artificial Gravity Satellite Program) (AAS 02-204), Andre P. Mazzoleni and John H. Hoffman    1291


Direct Multiphase Optimisation of Multiobjective Trajectory Design Problems (AAS 02-205), Massimiliano Vasile and Franco Bernelli Zazzera    1301

Stability Issues Using FIR Filtering in Repetitive Control (AAS 02-206), Kenneth Chen and Richard W. Longman    1321

Frequency Domain Prediction of Final Error Due to Noise in Learning and Repetitive Control (AAS 02-207), Peter A. LeVoci and Richard W. Longman    1341

Application of the SDC Optimal Control Algorithm to Low-Thrust Escape and Capture Trajectory Optimization (AAS 02-208), Gregory J. Whiffen and Jon A. Sims    1361

On the Use of Root Locus Departure Angle Information to Design Compensators in Repetitive Control (AAS 02-210), Chun-Ping Lo and Richard W. Longman    1383


Precise Orbit Determination for CHAMP Using Accelerometer Data (AAS 02-212), Z. Kang, B. Tapley, S. Bettadpur, H. Rim and P. Nagel    1405

Effect of GPS Orbit Accuracy on CHAMP Precision Orbit Determination (AAS 02-213), Hyung-Jin Rim, Sung-Pil Yoon and Bob E. Schutz    1411

Effects of On-Board GPS Antenna Phase Center Variations on CHAMP Precision Orbit Determination (AAS 02-214), SungPil Yoon, Hyung Jin Rim and Bob E. Schutz    1419

State Estimation for Drag-Free Control of the STEP Satellite (AAS 02-215), Haiying She, Stephan Theil and Alexander Schleicher    1429

Effect of GPS Orbit Errors on a Low-Low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Mission (AAS 02-217), Jeongrae Kim and Byron D. Tapley    1449

Antenna Phase Center Determination of Inter-Communicating Satellites (AAS 02-218), Furun Wang, Byron D. Tapley and Srinivas V. Bettadpur    1461


The RAPSO Process (AAS 02-219), David G. Morris and Eugene S. Burke    1475

The DSN Viewperiods Used for a Mission (A Look at the Times When Communication Windows Can Be Scheduled Between the DSN and the Projects) (AAS 02-221), John M. Kehrbaum and Kevin K. Kim    1487

JPL RAPSO Long-Range Forecasting (AAS 02-223), Napoleon Lacey and David G. Morris    1495

Using Available DSN Tracking Coverage as a Design Parameter in Mission Proposals (A Look at a Simulated Mission, and the Effect Upon the DSN Load Based Upon Different Launch Opportunities) (AAS 02-225), John M. Kehrbaum    1509


Publications of the American Astronautical Society    1520

Advances in the Astronautical Sciences    1521
Science and Technology Series    1529
AAS History Series    1536

INDEX    1539

Numerical Index    1541

Author Index    1547