(Volume 80, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences,
37th and 38th AAS Annual Conferences, Space Business Opportunities)


FOREWORD, Horace Jacobs vii


Space Business Opportunities II - Welcome Address (AAS 91-701), John A. Sand 3

Space Business Opportunities II - Chairman’s Introduction (AAS 91-702), Robert R. Rankine, Jr. 7

The Civil Space Program - Keynote Address (AAS 91-703), Norman Y. Mineta 11

Washington Viewpoints 17

Appropriations for the Civil Space Program:  A View from Capitol Hill (AAS 91-704), Jeff Lawrence 19

Department of Defense Washington Perspective (AAS 91-706), Dennis J. Granato, Robert R. Rankine, Jr. 25

Commercial Space Activities:  A view from the National Space Council (AAS 91-707), Courtney Stadd 29

American Education in the Space Age (AAS 91-708), Norman Avrech 33

Department of Defense Space Systems and Technology 37

Army Space Systems and Technology (AAS 91-709), William E. Howard 39

Space Challenge for the Department of the Air Force (AAS 91-710) Abstract, Richard Davis 43

The Strategic Defense Initiative:  Prospects and Opportunities (AAS 91-712), Simon “Pete” Worden 45

Advanced Space Technology Program Strategy for the 1990s (AAS 91-711) Abstract, Lee S. Dimitry 51

NASA Space Systems and Technology 53

Commercial Opportunities in the Space Exploration Initiative (AAS 91-714) Abstract, William R. Claybaugh 55

Tracking and Communications in the Twenty-First Century (AAS 91-715) Summary, Albert R. Miller 59

Plans and Technology Needs - Overview (AAS 91-716) Summary, Ronald J. Harris 63

NASA Integrated Technology Plan (AAS 91-717) Summary, John C. Mankins 67

NASA Integrated Technology Plan (AAS 91-713) Abstract, Gregory M. Reck 71

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Programs and Technology 73

EOS-SAR:  NASA’s Next Step in Synthetic Aperture Radars (AAS 91-722) Summary, Michael J. Sander 75

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technology Commercialization (AAS 91-724), Arthur J. Murphy, Jr. 77

Launch Systems Technology 81

Launch Systems Technology (AAS 91-725), Seb Coglitore 83

National Launch Policy Initiatives (AAS 91-726), Courtney Stadd 95

National Launch System Program Overview (AAS 91-727), Roger Colgrove 99

National Aero-Space Plane (NASP) (AAS 91-728) Summary, Don Zinn 105

Launch Systems Technology and Space Opportunity (AAS 91-729) Summary, Bill Files 113

Single Stage to Orbit (AAS 91-730) Summary, Bill Gaubatz 121

Commercial and International 127

European Space Agency and its Long-Term Plan (AAS 91-731), Ian Pryke 129

WESTAR - A Full Service Commercial Space Enterprise (AAS 91-733) Abridged, Olav Smistad 153

Department of Energy and National Laboratories Technology 167

Commercial Remote Sensing (AAS 91-734), David Edwards 169

Direct Broadcast Television Satellites (AAS 91-735), Donald Mead 175

Department of Energy Space Overview (AAS 91-736) Abridged, Fenton Carey 181

DOE Nuclear Power and Propulsion for Space Missions (AAS 91-737) Abridged, Richard J. Burick 193

DOE Programs and Thrusts in Space-Based Remote Sensing (AAS 91-738) Abridged, John Vitko, Jr. 201

Renewable Energy Technologies for Space at DOE (AAS 91-739), Richard D. Widrig 205

Materials Manufacturing and Construction for Space at the Department of Energy (AAS 91-740) Summary, Jack L. Cook 211

Health and Life Sciences in Space:  The DOE Perspective (AAS 91-741) Summary, Thomas E. Ward 215


Space Business Opportunities 1990 - Luncheon Address, Mark J. Albrecht 221

Space Futures - A Correspondent’s View 227

Prospects for Military Space (AAS 90-431) , Richard H. Buenneke, Jr. 229

Satellite Remote Sensing:  A Personal View (AAS 90-432) , Murray Felsher 235

Reality Versus Perceptions in Space Programs (AAS 90-433) , Walter Froehlich 239

U.S. New Business - Defense 243

Space Launch Roadmap:  A Space Systems Division Perspective (AAS 90-434), Roger Colgrove 245

Advanced Satellite Command, Control and Communications Program Office (AAS 90-435) Abstract, Christopher Weakley 261

Advanced Upper Stages (AAS 90-436) Abstract, Brent Collins 262

The Assessment of Communication Satellite Alternatives (AAS 90-437) Abstract, John Bryson 263

The Requirements Picture:  U.S. New Business - A USSPACECOM View (AAS 90-438) Abstract, Jim Lamb 264

New Business in Technology - Defense 265

Air Force Space Technology Center (AAS 90-439) Abstract, Paul C. Anderson 267

SEALAR (Sea Launch and Recovery):  A Future Technology for the Navy in Space (AAS 90-440) Abstract, Peter G. Wilhelm 268

New Business in Defense Technology:  Technology Decision Tool (AAS 90-441) Abstract, Charles Heimach 269

U.S. New Business - Civil 271

New Business in U.S. Civil Space Programs - Unmanned (AAS 90-442) , Al V. Diaz 273

Commercial Development of Space Activities (AAS 90-445) Summary, Lawrence F. Herbolsheimer 285

New Business in U.S. Civil Space Programs:  Manned Spaceflight (AAS 90-443) Abstract, Ronald J. Harris 289

NOAA Satellite Program Status and Plans (AAS 90-444) Abstract, Stanley R. Schneider 290

U.S  Government Acquisition Process 291

DOD Acquisition Process:  Interactive Computer Program (AAS 90-446) Abstract, Bill Crabtree 293

The Framework of the SEB from Establishing to Debriefing (AAS 90-447) Abstract, Walter I. Evey 294

Air Force Cost Estimating Model:  Interactive Software Model (AAS 90-448) Abstract, Tom Schaefer 295

Overseas New Business 297

New Overseas Space Business - European Space Agency (AAS 90-450) Summary, Ian Pryke 299

United Kingdom Space Related Cooperative Activities (AAS 90-452), John Channon 305

New Overseas Space Business - Japan (AAS 90-449) Abstract, Tateo Arimoto 309

International Military Communications Satellite Options (AAS 90-451) Abstract, Dennis Montera 310

The Case for Small Programs 311

The Case for Small Programs - Introduction (AAS 90-453) , Dennis J. Granato 313

Discovery Program Concept (AAS 90-455) Summary, Geoffrey Briggs 215

Potential for Small Satellite Use in NOAA’s Satellite Programs (AAS 90-456), Stanley R. Schneider 321

Small Payloads on Space Station (AAS 90-454) Abstract, Fritz Runge 341

The Case for Small Programs - Army (AAS 90-457) Abstract, Robert L. Norwood 342

The Case for Small Satellite Programs - Navy Efforts, Past, Present and Future (AAS 90-458) Abstract, Robert H. Meurer, Jr. 343


Publications of the American Astronautical Society 346

Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Series 347

Science and Technology Series 353

AAS History Series 358


Numerical Index 361